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NDIS Carers Need to Have Both Patience and Compassion

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10:12 AM

NDIS, or the National Disability Insurance Scheme, is a system adopted by Australia to offer support to those who are differently-abled. The aim of the NDIS is to provide support to these individuals and their carers so that they have a constant support system. However, NDIS mainly focuses on those with disabilities, not their carers. This means that no carer can ask for a personal support plan that will be used only on themselves.

For an NDIS carer, compassion and patience are essential. Think about how ruthless and selfless the world would be if no one cared to put themselves in each other’s situation, and no one offered help. Think about what would happen if we didn’t have role models, such as Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, and Mahatma Gandhi, to look up to.

Responsibilities of NDIS Carers

According to the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, NDIS carers are eligible to:

  • Unlimited care, support, and funds for the people they care for.
  • Acknowledgement and respect for their hard work and the role they play in a person’s life.
  • Receive an amount and support by the NDIA, according to what is suitable for their efforts.
  • Receive different opportunities so that they can care for the person better.

The Importance of Patience and Compassion

Many people believe that when caring for someone with disabilities, “the patience of a saint” is required. However, this is not entirely true. While patience is essential, human compassion is what this job really calls for. It is commonly thought that working with people with special needs requires extra-human energy and effort because caring for them is challenging. The truth is that having just a little bit of compassion makes this job natural and rewarding. Think about it, if we weren’t insensitive and had compassion within us, wouldn’t our instinctual reaction be to help the physically disabled or lead the blind?

Compassion can be tricky, especially if you aren’t in the same position as the person you are caring for. Communication can feel overwhelming, especially when interacting with individuals with behavioural deficits, orthopaedic weaknesses, physical care needs, learning disabilities, and speech defects, may feel challenging.

To be patient, compassion is essential. They both go hand in hand. Human compassion calls for understanding. It can be built by putting oneself in the shoes of another and looking at how life is for them, including the problems they go through on a daily basis. To care for someone properly, you must understand what they go through. Once you start to count your blessings and understand the other person’s situation, there will be an automatic growth in wisdom and sensitivity.

Patience and compassion encourage kind and loving behaviour. It is especially important for those people with disabilities who face problems professionally and socially only because of their inability to perform certain tasks. An NDIS carer must provide the utmost care, love, and support to the people they care for.

Want to know more about the NDIS? Click here!